WEP overview

WEP-40 was defined as a means of protecting (using a 40-bit key) the confidentiality of data exchanged among authorized users of a WLAN from casual eavesdropping. Implementation of WEP is optional. The same algorithms have been widely used with a 104-bit key instead of a 40-bit key in fielded implementations; this is called WEP-104. The WEP cryptographic encapsulation and decapsulation mechanics are the same whether a 40-bit or a 104-bit key is used. The term WEP by itself refers to either WEP-40 or WEP-104.


WEP-40 using a 40-bit key

所以,输入 5 个字符或 10 个 hex

它们设置的值是完全相同的,它们均会解析成 40-bit

所以,如下图,在网关中设置 WEP-40 为 3535353535,和设置为 55555,作用完全一样,用户使用 3535353535 可以连上 AP,使用 55555 同样也可以连上 AP
